
1 Hour Private Treatment Sessions

Individualized physical therapy treatments tailored specifically to your needs. Qualified to treat a variety of orthopedic conditions as well as provide maintenance care and wellness programs.

Belter Physical Therapy Services

Treatments May Include:

Evaluation of chronic/acute orthopedic injuries

Specific orthopedic evaluation including postural assessment, specific palpation, range of motion, manual muscle testing, special tests for musculoskeletal injuries, and neurovascular.

Education on home exercises/ appropriate wellness programs

Tailored to individual needs.

Functional biomechanical analysis

Gait and running analysis.
Static and dynamic lower extremity analysis.

Myofascial release

Sustained pressure over restricted tissue to restore mobility and decrease pain.

Joint mobilization/manipulation

Graded oscillations dependent on needs to decrease pain and improve range of motion.

Specific therapeutic exercise prescription

Guided exercise program individualized for each patient based on personal needs and goals.

Neuromuscular re-education

Muscle re-activation after surgery or prolonged compensations.

Ergonomic assessment

Personalized assessment of desk set up and work space to improve posture and decrease chronic pain conditions.

Balance training

Static and dynamic movements challenged in order to improve stability and reduce the risk of falls.

Aquatic therapy

Individualized aquatic exercise programs for post-operative rehabilitations to general fitness.

Soft tissue massage

Injury prevention education